Commission Factory is based on Sydney's timezone, learn how to set Commission Rules for your local timezone.
The Commission Factory platform is set to the time zone of Sydney, Australia. This is either Australian Eastern Standard Time (‘AEST’) UTC +10, or Australian Eastern Daylight Time (‘AEDT’) UTC +11 for the time of year when Daylight saving is observed. As such, the timeframe to lock in placements in exchange for a Custom Commission Rule must be set according to Sydney, Australia (‘SYD’) timings.
If for example, Singapore (‘SG’) and SYD have a 3-hour time difference, you would need to action the below in Settings -> Commissions:
Client X based in SG wants to run a one-day campaign on 24th January which starts at 9AM SG time.
24th January 12PM SYD time (this would be 24th January 9AM SG time)
25th January 3AM SYD time (this would still be 24th January SG time)
*Note: the end date is set a day later as SYD time is ahead of SG
Client Y based in SG wants to run a campaign from 1st April 12AM – 3rd April midnight SG time.
1st April 3AM SYD time (this would be 1st April 12AM SG time)
4th April 3AM SYD time (this would be 3rd April midnight SG time)
*Note: the end date is set a day later as SYD time is ahead of SG

To determine the correct timing, we encourage you to refer to a time zone converter before setting up the Commission Rules on Commission Factory.
Once the setup is completed, as a matter of good practice, it is good to share a screenshot of the Commission rule set up with the respective affiliate partner.
We do not recommend setting up commission rules that are overly complex, or those that may be perceived as unfair from an affiliate perspective. If you have any queries on commission rules, please reach out to your account contact at Commission Factory.