Why didn’t a sale track to my account?

We have put together the most common reasons a sale may have not tracked to your account.

There could be a number of reasons why transactions may not have been tracked by our platform, which could be one of the following reasons:


Consumer considerations

The purchaser might have clicked on another affiliate link

It is important to remember that the affiliate channel works on a last-click attribution model. This means that if a user clicks on your affiliate link, then clicks on another affiliate link afterward and makes a purchase, then the sale will be attributed to the affiliate who had the last click.

The purchaser used a VPN

If a user makes a purchase while using a VPN the sale may not track if it takes place in a different region where we are not managing the affiliate program. For example, if we are tracking for the Australian domain of a brand, but they have a different domain for another country, then the sale may track to another affiliate network or not track at all. 

The purchaser used a web browser in incognito mode or cleared their cookies

If a user makes a purchase using a web browser in incognito mode, then our cookie-based tracking might be blocked.  If users clear their cookies from their browsers, this can also interrupt tracking if fingerprinting is not in place. 

The purchaser may have used another device without the tracking engaged

If a user engaged with your tracking, but then uses another device to complete the purchase without engaging with the tracking link again, the sale will not be tracked to your account.

The sale was deemed as a ‘self-referral’ sale

Our platform may not track conversions originating from the IP address of an affiliate login to prevent 'self-referrals'. If a self-referral sale was indeed tracked to your account, the transaction may be subject to being voided by the advertiser and thus no commission will be earned.

Product exclusions 

Some merchants have products, categories, or brand exclusions. These will still track, but at a 0% commission rate.


Merchant considerations