Starting on the top left-hand corner of the invoice, this is the advertiser’s billing address and ABN number.
To the right of the address, the account ID is the unique identifier for the advertiser on the Commission Factory network. The invoice date is the date the invoice is sent out to the advertiser. Below the invoice date is the due date in which the invoice needs to be paid so Commission Factory can pay the affiliates accordingly. Finally, the invoice no. is the unique identifier for each invoice generated per advertiser.
Under the ‘Your Subscription’ is where the monthly fees laid out for your Tech plan and/or your Service plan which will appear on the invoice you receive on the 1st of each month. The ‘amount AUD’ is non-inclusive of GST, hence why the amount matches the ‘unit price’.
Under the ‘Network Charges’ section, firstly, you have the ‘locked commissions’ displaying the date the transactions were validated and became locked. The transactions ‘lock’ based on the time frame of the advertiser’s validation period. For example, if an advertiser has a 30-day validation period, the locked commissions will be 30 days from when the sale was made. This would only not be the case if the advertiser has gone into the dashboard and locked the transactions prior to the auto-approval date or if the sale is a Transaction Query. The unit price is the total amount of commissions that locked during the dates outlined under the description. Again, the ‘Amount AUD’ will match the unit price as it does not include GST.
The second line item under network charges is ‘locked tracking fee'. Also known as Override or Network fee, these will always match the same dates as the locked commissions. For more detail on what is override, read here.
In the ‘Total Charges’ section there is the ‘subtotal’ which adds up all of the costs that fall under column ‘Amount AUD’ in both the ‘Your Subscription’ and ‘Network charges’ section.
The total GST can be found below which will be 10% of the subtotal. The total AUD is both the subtotal and total GST added together. The amount due would be how much the advertisers is required to pay by the due date. GST is charged for all registered Australian businesses.
The final section is ‘Payment options’ which has the Commission Factory payment details. If the advertiser chooses to do a direct deposit on the left-hand side or the advertiser can do a credit card payment by clicking on the right-hand side icon where it says ‘click here to pay now’
Example of Commission Factory invoice
Transaction Report if the advertiser wishes to see the transactions that fall on the corresponding invoice, a transaction report is sent on the same email as the invoice. Alternatively, you can download this from the dashboard by going to Settings> Invoices and selecting the downward arrow next to the corresponding invoice.
To more easily review the transaction dates, in columns b ,c and d (date created, modified and clicked) change the format settings from ‘general’ to ‘short date’. The order ID can be found in column P. Column X has the sale value of the transaction. Column Y has the commission of the sale which will be payable to the affiliate who drove the sale (Affiliate name can be found in column E). Column Y will always add up to ‘Locked Commissions’ on the invoice. Finally, column Z will have the override. Column Z will always add up to the ‘Locked Network Override’ on the invoice.
We only invoice for transactions that have been locked and validated. For more information on transaction statuses, please read this article.