Trouble logging into your account

If you have had trouble logging into your account, there might be a few reasons why.

Please ensure you follow our tips below to assist with gaining access to your account.

Email Address

Please ensure that you have tried logging in using the email address associated with your account as the username.

If you still cannot access your account. Please try resetting your password by going back to the login page and click the Forgot your password? link at the bottom and follow the prompts to reset your password.


If all of your login credentials are correct and you are still having issues logging in, please try logging in using a different web browser.

Mobile Device

If you are on a mobile device and having trouble accessing your account, please try logging in again using a desktop device. 

The account does not exist

If you have recently applied to become an affiliate, please make sure you have received the automated approval email. This email contains the prompts to set up your account. 

The account has been suspended

If you're unable to log in, you may receive a message stating that your account has been suspended. This suspension may have occurred for a number of reasons, so please reach out to our affiliate support team for more details.


For more information on how to update your login details, please visit another one of our Help Centre articles here