Click and post-view cookie standards
Click Cookie
The industry standard for a click cookie length is 30 days, although most sales are made within 24 hours - 7 days of the cookie being placed on the click. This means that for most advertisers extending their cookie length to 30+ days would have little financial effect in terms of the commissions paid out. However, the act itself of extending the cookie length, especially if this exceeds those of your nearest competitors, could encourage an affiliate to start promoting your business. A 30 day cookie period is especially helpful for your content affiliates as they typically sit lower in the conversion funnel. A consumer might have read about your products on a content site, which then has piqued their interest. In those cases, it isn't uncommon for the transaction to take a few days longer.
Post-View Cookie
The industry standard for post-view or impression cookie length is 48 hours. If you want to learn more about post-view tracking, visit this help centre article.