Affiliate Rank

This article outlines what the Affiliate Rank is on the Commission Factory platform and what it is used for.

What is Affiliate Rank?

Affiliate rank is a metric used to provide a general idea of the performance of an affiliate on the network. It is there so advertisers get an indication of how affiliates compare to another. It may also help advertisers recruit and find the most suitable affiliates on the network. 

How to increase the affiliate rank?

The affiliate rank is built from a combination of different factors:

  • Number of programs joined 
  • Amount of sales driven
  • Program acceptance rate
  • Responsiveness through the Message Center 
  • Transaction void rate 

What can decrease the affiliate rank?

  • A decrease in program performance across the network
  • Decrease of activity on the network 
  • Compliance breaches


If you haven't already, we highly recommend optimising your affiliate account. Please see our Help Centre article here for more information on how to do this.