What is a validation period?

This short article helps affiliates understand what a validation period is and how to find an advertiser's validation period in the platform.

What is a validation period? 

The validation period refers to the time frame given by the advertiser to consumers for returns or cancellations of goods/services. When a transaction is recorded to the platform, it will automatically enter the Pending status where it will undergo the validation period before it can be turned to the Locked status. Typically, an advertiser's validation period lasts for 30 days. 

How do I find out how long an advertiser's validation period is? 

To find how long an advertiser's validation period lasts, simply go to Marketplace > Advertisers in your account. Search for an advertiser and click the three-dot icon on the right-hand side to View Advertiser. This will open a new tab that has all the information on the advertiser's program. On the left-hand side by scrolling down below the advertiser's profile picture, affiliates can find the Validation period indicated.


For more information on the different transaction statuses and how our publisher payment process works, please visit this Help Centre article.