The Affiliate Rank is a dynamic score between 0 and 100. The algorithm determines the score based on a range of metrics such as performance, ROI and growth over all network activity. Please note that the Affiliate Rank, while we have tried to make it accurate, doesn’t factor in seasonal performance changes of the affiliate or the amount of programs the affiliate is working with. Therefore just because the affiliate doesn’t have a high rank, doesn’t mean you should ignore or not work with them. It’s purely an overall score and an indication.
How to use affiliate rank?
The goal of the affiliate rank to help you in:
- Affiliate Recruitment - An affiliate that may perform well that you aren’t working with.
- Affiliate Activation - An affiliate that is on your program and is not active.
- Increase Affiliate Performance - affiliates that could be performing better.
Affiliate Recruitment
Using the Affiliate Directory (Affiliate > Directory)
- Click on RANK at the top of the table and sort the highest ranked to the top of the table
- Then filter to “Not Joined” as the status
You can now send invitations to these affiliates or message them for more information, and a warm introduction using the invite or message icons.
Affiliate Activation
Nothing is worse than a great affiliate in your program that is not active (sending any clicks). They have joined, and for whatever reason, stopped or never started promotion.
Go to Affiliates (Affiliates > Manage)
- Filter Status to “Approved” and Active to “Non-Active”
- Click on RANK at the top of the table and sort the highest ranked to the top of the table
Now you have a list of affiliates that haven’t sent a click in the last 30 days and are now inactive. Go through the list and start contacting them to ask how you can help them and what they need to start promotion. You can do this by clicking the message icon at the end of the row or on their profiles.
Increase Affiliate Performance
Similar to activation, in the same area, you want to look for affiliates that have a high rank and their last sale date was some while ago. To do this:
- Filter Status to “Approved” and Active to “Transaction-Active”
- Click on LAST SALE at the top of the table and sort the oldest to the top of the table
- Now you want to go through the list and look at their affiliate rank, any that have a high rank and haven’t sent a sale in sometime are likely to be able to increase performance. Start contacting them to ask how you can help them, at this level they normally have ideas on what they need to increase their performance.