Google Paid Link Quality Guideline

This article shows affiliates how Commission Factory tracking links are compliant with Google's Paid Link requirements.

In 2021, Google released an update on their Paid Link Quality Guidelines which can be found here

Affiliates can be assured that Commission Factory will automatically add the rel="nofollow sponsored" attribute to all HTML hyperlinks generated in the platform or API.

The rel="nofollow sponsored" attribute is part of an HTML hyperlink. For example:
<a href="" rel="nofollow sponsored">This is a hyperlink</a>

This occurs in the following cases:

  • Banners (always)
  • Coupons (only if the affiliate has filled in "Anchor text")
  • Email creatives (always)
  • Promotions (only if the affiliate has filled in "Anchor text")
  • Text links (only if the affiliate selects "HTML Hyperlink")

In all other cases where affiliates generate a raw tracking link rather than full HTML, they are entirely responsible for how it is used.

In particular, there is no way for Commission Factory to add rel="nofollow sponsored" to anything that affiliates publish, and does not form part of any redirect - it is purely part of the HTML and must be added directly to the web page.

If affiliates do not add it to the raw tracking link (or even if affiliates take our full HTML and intentionally removes the attribute) there is nothing Commission Factory can do to enforce it.