Reports - Visitors

The visitors report shows the location of customers that are purchasing. You can find this under Reports - Visitors. By default, the visitors report will be graphed against conversions, however to change this metric simply click on the dropdown box and select the applicable measurement.

Your graph can be measured against:

  • Clicks
  • Impressions
  • Sale Value
  • AOV (Average Order Value)
  • Conversions
  • Conv. Rate (Conversion Rate, CR%)
  • Commission
  • Avg. Commission (Average Commission Per Sale)
  • EPC (Earnings per click - affiliate report only)

Date Ranges

To adjust the date range for the customers report, clicking into the field will give you common options such as Last Week or Last Month, or Custom where you can specify the date ranges you would like to search.


Filtering Visitors

To filter your visitors report, simply type in the location you would like to narrow down and the system will match this to a record. Your visual graph will also change to reflect this search. You may also filter by type simply by clicking the Filter button and checking the locations in question.